Northamptonshire Neighbourhood Alert
Northamptonshire Police

Your Neighbourhood Policing Team is here to fight crime and protect people from harm.

In order to tackle local policing concerns, we want to know what matters most to you in the area where you live and work.
You can help shape local priorities by answering a few questions regarding your area.
Please note that environmental issues should be raised with the most appropriate local authority.

This survey is being administered by Northamptonshire Police. The purpose of the survey is to collect information which allows us to better understand the policing priorities of communities across Northamptonshire. The results will be shared with Northamptonshire Police's Neighbourhood teams and will be used to shape elements of their activity. We also ask questions about your confidence levels in Northamptonshire Police and your perceptions of crime, to understand the views and opinions of communities across Northamptonshire.

All data will be collected and stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act and GDPR. For more information and to view our privacy policy, please click here. This survey is being conducted by Neighbourhood Alert. To view Neighbourhood Alert's privacy policy, please click here

Completing this survey is voluntary and we thank you in advance for taking the time to let us know what matters most to you. If you decide to take part you are free to not answer any of the questions without giving a reason. If you wish to withdraw from the survey, you are free to do so at any point and can do so by closing your browser.

This survey is for research purposes. To report a crime in an emergency call 999, for non emergencies call 101 or online via

Should you have any questions about this survey please contact

Your Neighbourhood Policing Team is here to fight crime and protect people from harm.

In order to tackle local concerns we want to know what matters most to you in the area where you live or work/visit. 

You can help shape local priorities by answering a few questions regarding your area. Environmental issues should be raised with the most appropriate local authority.

In order to tackle local policing concerns we want to know what matters most to you in the area where you live.

1. Your location

Your location details are saved automatically if you are logged into your Alert account when answering this survey.

2. Please select the area in Northamptonshire which you live
Please select your area

Issues/problems that matter most to you in your local area

5. Of the issues listed below, please select up to THREE that matter to you most in your local area?
Please select a minimum of 1, and a maximum of 3.
Other Please specify

Perceptions and Confidence

6. Taking everything into account, how good a job do you think the police in this area are doing?
Please ensure you have chosen an answer
7. How much would you agree or disagree that:
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
The police in this area can be relied upon to be there when you need them?
The police in this area would treat you with respect if you had contact with them for any reason?
The police in this area treat everyone fairly regardless of who they are?
The police in this area understand the issues that affect this community?
The police in this area are dealing with the things that matter to people in this community?
Taking everything into account I have confidence in the police in this area?
8. What do Northamptonshire Police currently do well?
9. What would improve your confidence in Northamptonshire Police?
4. How did you become aware of this survey?
Please select an answer
Other Please specify
We would now like to ask you some more questions about your opinion of the police and local council, how safe you feel in your area and your perceptions of crime. If you would be happy to answer these questions, please click next. If you would prefer to skip to the last section, click skip questions.
Please ensure you have selected an answer

Perception of the police and local council

10. Confidence in the police and local council, How much would you agree or disagree that the police and local council are dealing with anti-social behaviour and crime issues that matter in this area?
How much would you agree or disagree that the police and local council are dealing with anti-social behaviour and crime issues ?

Perceptions of Crime

11. How safe do you feel walking alone in this area after dark? By this area we mean within 15 minutes walk from your home.
If you feel a bit unsafe or very unsafe, please explain why you feel this way (optional)
12. How much is YOUR OWN quality of life affected by crime on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is no effect and 10 is a total effect on your quality of life?
13. How much is YOUR OWN quality of life affected by fear of crime on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is no effect and 10 is a total effect on your quality of life?

If you have stated that crime has a large effect on your life, you can contact your local policing team here:
Policing in your area | Northamptonshire Police (


Alternatively, you can contact VOICE (, a free, confidential support service for victims and witnesses of

14. We’d now like to ask you some questions about the level of crime. Not all areas of the country experience the same levels of crime. What happens in your local area may, or may not, reflect the national picture. There are no right or wrong answers to these questions, it is just what you think.
Gone up a lot
Gone up a little
Stayed about the same
Gone down a little
Gone down a lot
What do you think has happened to crime in the COUNTRY AS A WHOLE over the past few years?
And what do you think has happened to crime in your LOCAL AREA over the past few years?

Contact Preferences

15. You can keep up to date with Northamptonshire Police news by:
- signing up to Neighbourhood Alert (
- through local and Force Facebook and Twitter pages
- The Northamptonshire Police Website (
- Contact with police officers Policing in your area | Northamptonshire Police (


Would you find any other means of keeping in touch helpful? If so, please detail

About You

This information helps us to look at differences in opinion between groups of people. All information provided on this form
is strictly confidential. However, if you still feel uncomfortable answering any of these questions, please feel free to choose
the ‘prefer not to say’ option.

3. During the last 12 months, have you been a victim of crime?
16 What is your gender?
17. What is your Age?
18. What is your Ethnicity?
Other Please specify
19. Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
20. What is your religion or belief?
Other Please specify
21. Which option best describes how you think of yourself?
Other Please specify

Northamptonshire Neighbourhood Alert & StreetSafe

Neighbourhood Alert: Northamptonshire Police has a free message alert system, to help people
living and working in Northamptonshire be much better informed about crime and police activity in
their local area, and help us to keep their communities safe. The messaging service, called
Northamptonshire Neighbourhood. The alert service is free and simple to activate by registering at /and is available to anyone living or working in

StreetSafe is a pilot service for anyone to anonymously tell us about public places where you have felt or feel unsafe, because of
environmental issues, eg street lighting, abandoned buildings or vandalism and/or because of some behaviours, eg being followed
or verbally abused. You can access StreetSafe at: StreetSafe | (

Please note: 'StreetSafe' is not for reporting crime or incidents. If something has happened to you or someone you know (including
in public spaces online) you can call us on 101 or find out what online reporting services are available.

We are conducting another 2 surveys:

As above, the information in these surveys would comply with the Data Protection Act and GDPR. 

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.